Friday, August 3, 2007

Anxiety Attack

Ok, so here's my first blog. I'd just like to give you a brief introduction on who I am. I'm Teffianne and pretty soon I'm off to Japan. I hope to give everyone lots of insights and stuff when I'm there. In the meantime, I'm freaking out. I'm anticipating my passport which I hope to god gets here in time. I suppose on this blogsite I could give you links to precious downloads of awesomeness and maybe even post my stories on here for your viewing entertainment. That's only if you want them, if you don't want them, that's cool too and you can save me the embarrassment of posting such ridiculous stories. Anyways, currently freaking out. I don't freak out like normal people though. Normal people cry and scream and get in pissy moods, I do a more leisurely freaking out. I just kind of stay away from people and sit around, maybe study or watch Bambino while inside my brain is screaming "WHDSUOHGUFHSDIOFUHSDOFIOJDODF!" But the beauty of one knows it's happening. So, that about does it for my first blog, maybe I'll post a song translation next time.